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About Us

Water Safety, Health & Wellness for the Half Moon Bay Coast

The Coastside Aquatics Center is a recently established non-profit organization that aims to promote water safety, health, and wellness through aquatics. It was founded by members of the community who shared a vision of bringing the many benefits of an aquatics center to the community and making water safety skills accessible to all.


Water Safety Vision

Given our dangerous coastline, learning life-saving water safety skills is crucial. However, there are only a few public swimming pools available to the community, and swim lessons are often too expensive, which limits access for many.


Last summer, with the support of our county sheriff Christina Corpus, free swimming lessons were made available to our youth. About 100 children received lessons during those sessions, which were held at the outdated pool at Half Moon Bay High School. Although the pool was less than ideal, it was a good start for our community and youth. However, without continued access to a swimming pool, those newly learned skills can't be improved.



Coastside Aquatics Center is a non-profit organization with the goal of extending the hours of operation of the swimming pool at Half Moon Bay High School, in order to turn it into a true community pool. The funds raised from donations will be used to provide affordable swimming lessons for both children and adults, as well as to teach aquatic safety.


We need your support to:


- Hire lifeguards and swimming instructors.
- Fix any existing safety hazards at the pool.-
- Provide funds for the maintenance of the pool systems.
- Purchase swim lesson equipment, such as kick-boards.
- Replace lifeguard chairs.

- Install directional signs to swimming pool. 


Although promoting aquatic safety and providing opportunities for fun requires a significant investment, we believe it is worth it.


Please donate to the Coastside Aquatics Center to benefit our community. Your contribution will be used respectfully to fulfill our mission.

Community Partners

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Coastside Aquatics Center is a 501(c)(3) organization that promotes health, safety, and wellness through aquatics for the San Mateo County Coast.

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